Thursday, June 09, 2005

Awakening the joy in an older person

Does it ever occur to you
that there is also a deep need for beauty
in the ageing heart,
as there is in all of us?

Old people find beauty in many things
that the rest of us easily take for granted,
like the voices and warmth
of their children and grandchildren
who care for them.

We can let them experience this beauty even more through the gifts that we give them. If an elderly member of your family is having a birthday soon, here are some gift suggestions that are bound to delight him/her in some way:

  • a flowering plant – buds and blooms are a wonderful reminder of life “in motion” and can let them feel the radiance of nature
  • a pet like a small dog, birds or fish – there’s nothing like a pet to keep them company; keep it low-maintenance or be sure someone is there to help them care for the animal
  • a picture that lights up a bare wall – could be a painting or blown-up photograph that gives the wall more color and/or the room a more cheerful atmosphere
  • a brightly colored bedspread

These are fine gifts that will no doubt bring older persons some joy. But here’s something else you will want to consider: accompanying them outdoors to catch some sun or spend time in a park or by the sea if that is accessible can be truly life-giving!

posted by sunnyday at 7:30 PM


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