Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Marching for life

The 33rd annual March for Life, which happens in Washington D.C., is coming up -- it's on Jan. 23, and a look at some sites containing information about the event shows that preparations have been underway for quite a long time now.

The march and rally, which mark the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme court's 1973 decision to legalize abortion, last year drew about 100,000 people from different parts of the country .
Apart from the main event, other activities are happening on that day as well as on days prior to it.

Silent No More Awareness Campaign has
these gatherings to be held in different states, in preparation for the Jan. 23 event. American Collegians for Life (ACL) is holding its 2006 ACL Conference on Jan. 21 at the Catholic University of America (also in Washington D.C.). Rock for Life's 2006 Training Weekend is on Jan. 20-23 (details are on this page). And Fr. Frank Pavone, the national director of Priests for Life, has a full schedule of March for Life activities, starting on Jan. 12th.

Then, there's
Blogs4Life, the first annual conference of pro-life bloggers, happening on Jan. 23, also in Washington D.C. The conference keynote speaker will be syndicated columnist and National Review Online blogger Kathryn Jean Lopez.

Looks like the D.C. area will be mighty busy in a few weeks' time!

February, on the other hand, is Pro-Life Month in the Philippines. More about that soon.

** Photo from A Child is Born by Lennart Nilsson
4 months old, 16 cm (about 6 1/2 inches) long. When the feet and toes are partially developed, it is the leg's turn to grow. The spiral shape of the umbilical cord is caused by the fact that the two arteries and the vein are longer than the sheath in which they are contained -- an ingenious safety device for lively fetuses!

posted by sunnyday at 3:15 PM

Blogger Tim said...

don't forget blogs4life.com on Jan. 23!

4:01 PM  
Blogger sunnyday said...

I sure wish I could go! Be sure to post how the day goes on your site =)

5:49 PM  

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