Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Chuck, 10, often makes scrambled eggs for himself. One day he wanted to make fried eggs but wasn't sure how. He asked Vi, "How do you make the kind of eggs with the centerpiece?"

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Pamela Helton of Auburn, Ind., was telling her daughter, Samantha, about how God created Adam. Pamela told Samantha that Adam had the job of naming every single creature on the face of the earth, and she said how hard it must have been for Adam to come up with so many different names. Samantha asked, "Did Adam name the computer viruses, too?"

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Mia Menard's 4-year-old niece went to her grandma's to visit. When her grandmother noticed that she had the stamp of a flower on her hand, Hanah explained, "When you are good in school, the teacher gives you a stamp on your hand." Later when her grandmother was in the kitchen, Hanah rushed in to tell her something special was on TV. When they reached the TV, she said, "Look, Grandma, he must have been a really good boy!" It was Dennis Rodman -- the basketball player who is covered with tattooes!

posted by sunnyday at 8:58 PM

Blogger AsianSmiles said...

LOLS! Star studded Rodman!

4:48 PM  

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