Sunday, November 06, 2005

Some other things that kids say

Allen, 3, went to the grocery story with his dad.  All through the
grocery store Allen asked questions, every one starting with the
query "Daddy?" Allen was very talkative and asked what seemed like
a million questions. When they got to the check out, the line was
very long. Allen continued with his questions, asking, "Daddy?" to
start each one. This question and answer session was entertainment
for the other shoppers, who were bored with waiting. Finally, Frank,
tired of answering yet another question, told Allen not to call him
"Daddy" again. Allen sat very quietly for a few moments. Then
there was a quiet little, "Father?"

* * * * *

Back in 1970, when Batman was on TV I would put the children to bed
and hurry down to watch, not realizing that the children were sitting
at the top of the stairs taking it all in. One morning at breakfast,
three year old Jerry asked me what bird was singing and I said that it
was a Robin. His prompt response was, "If that's Robin, where is
Batman?" I really didn't know how to answer. -- Polly

* * * * *

Cherie recently flew with her 6-year-old son. She could tell that
the pressure change during take-off was bothering his ears. "Are
your ears popping?" Cherie asked. He replied, "No, Mommy, my ears
have the hiccups!"
-- Cherie Newman of Fort Worth, Texas

* * * * *

Laura, 7, was asked to retrieve a Phillips screwdriver from the
kitchen and bring it to her mother. She got one and said, "I think
this one is the Phillips screwdriver because the other one said
Stanley." (And, yes, she did have the Phillips screwdriver.)

posted by sunnyday at 7:09 PM


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