Friday, November 25, 2005

Sticks & stones no more

That's a picture taken somewhere in Palestine. And those three young men on the left are ordinary chaps -- except that they've taken a different route to voicing their resistance to what's going on in their country. More about them later...

If you've got either a TV, internet access or newspapers at home, chances are you and your family know about the constant conflict that people in Palestine and Israel experience. Almost everyday there's news of a bombing or a shooting incident...then images of the casualties, fatalities or succeeding funerals.

If young boys and girls (say, nephews, nieces or your own children) ask you why people over there keep hurting each other, you can say "not all people do that" with more conviction now. You can tell them something like "Some people know that violence is not the way to solve conflicts. Haven't you heard of rap music? " Yes, rap (there are ways to weave rap into a talk about protecting life, after all). That's what these three young men have been using in place of stone-throwing to battle the conflict going on in their homeland. Palestinian Rappers (the group) is not a new act and their presence is definitely good news. It looks like they at least have become more aware that life is precious and worth preserving, and that there are other, more constructive paths toward peace.

Know anything about Palestinian Rappers besides where the group hails from (I'm guessing the answer is "no") ?

posted by sunnyday at 7:03 AM


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