Friday, January 20, 2006

Two become one?

I've heard different women utter a particular 3-word statement when talking about a new relationship, about being engaged, meeting future in-laws, the newness of married life and any other stage of the boyfriend-girlfriend/fiance-fiancee/husband-wife journey: "He completes me."

They are obviously referring to their beloved when they say these words. I've often wondered what each of them meant, but I assumed those words meant something different to every one of them.

Then I come across this piece recently which contains the following:

There are plenty of love songs with the phrase, “You complete me.” Yet the accompanying notion that “two become one” implies that you are only 50% or half a person until married. That misguided belief has caused many disappointed brides who find out, only after walking down the isle, that marriage doesn’t fill you up, it doesn't complete you nor make you whole—a man offers so much in the way of love, understanding, companionship, strength but he cannot fill every void.

One some level, two indeed become one after a man and a woman make a promise to love and serve one another. But this doesn't mean that each is half a person before they pronounce their matrimonial vows. As the writer pointed out,
"Marriage is the sum of the parts you already have; it either doubles the love or doubles the trouble, or doubles a little bit of both."

posted by sunnyday at 8:50 AM

Blogger AsianSmiles said...

HEY! Nice new template!!! Good job, and welcome back! >:D<


7:21 PM  
Blogger Kristen said...

Very true...I think another thing that people entering marriage sometimes don't know is that love is truly an act of will. Loving your husband or wife is a constant effort, but not to be confused with a tedious act. A married couple that merges their lives successfully, with love and attention, does not just happen by accident. I never thought of my husband "completing" me, or I him, until we both came to this realization.

3:30 AM  

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