Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Recognizing Alzheimer's in your loved one

Dutchy over at Ask Dutchy receives lots of questions about caring for the elderly including those with Alzheimer's, Dementia, Parkinson's and others needing long-term care. One such question was the following:

Q:What are some of the signs of Alzheimer's? My mother forgets everything, and is acting really odd when I visit her. I have also noticed that her house is smelling pretty nasty.

Here is a portion of Dutchy's reply:

Top 10 Signs that your loved one may have Alzheimer's Disease.

1. Memory loss. One of the most common early signs of dementia is forgetting recently learned information. While it’s normal to forget appointments, names or telephone numbers, those with dementia will forget such things more often and not remember them later.

2. Difficulty performing familiar tasks. People with dementia often find it hard to complete everyday tasks that are so familiar we usually do not think about how to do them. A person with Alzheimer’s may not know the steps for preparing a meal, using a household appliance or participating in a lifelong hobby.

3. Problems with language. Everyone has trouble finding the right word sometimes, but a person with Alzheimer’s often forgets simple words or substitutes unusual words, making his or her speech or writing hard to understand. If a person with Alzheimer’s is unable to find his or her toothbrush, for example, the individual may ask for “that thing for my mouth.”

You can read the rest here.

posted by sunnyday at 5:20 PM

Blogger AsianSmiles said...

thanks! will follow the link..

1:47 AM  

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